We all know that Popcorn is rich in various important nutrients like Polyphenol antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. Apart from that, it is one of the best and most popular sources of fiber with incredible taste. Popcorn can be consumed in moderate for weight-loss program and also healthier. Do checkout about small commercial popcorn machine reviews here
Air-popped Popcorn – Preparation Method
Air-popping is one of the methods to heat the hard popcorn kernels or a seed using the hot air until it’s become Popcorn. Most of the people will add butter or vegetable oil for nice flavors; however, they can pop without using oil. If you prefer to use oil for popping, then you can utilize healthier polyunsaturated fats like Avocado Oil or a similar one. Find below the list of required ingredients for preparing the air-popped Popcorn for your reference:
- Salt: 0.5 tablespoon
- Popcorn Seeds or Kernels: 58gm or 3.5 tablespoons
- A frying pan along with a closing lid
Follow the below method to prepare air-popped Popcorn:
- First of all, you need to pre-heat the frying pot using the high or medium heat mode.
- Add some water drops to this hot frying pot.
- Then add the popcorn seeds or kernels and close the lid.
- For every 2 seconds, you need to share the frying pot gently.
- Within a few minutes, you hear the popping sound of the popcorn kernels.
- Wait for some time to hear the delayed popping sound.
- Finally, remove the frying pot from the heat.
- Then sprinkle with heat, and you are ready to serve air-popped Popcorn.
People can easily purchase unpopped popcorn seeds or kernels from online stores or supermarkets. In case if you do not prefer to utilize the stovetop method, then you can browse and identify the best popcorn makers through the online marketplace.
Popcorn – Healthier Benefits
Find below the list of healthier benefits of popcorns:
Protein Source
Popcorn is also rich in protein, and its serving will include 3gm of its daily value from the required 50gm. For various processes, your body should require many proteins such as vision, immune response, fluid balance, blood clotting, and many more. Each cell within your body will include protein and plays important roles in building the body tissues and repair the cells.
Minerals & Vitamins
The air-popped or unsalted Popcorn will include numerous minerals & vitamins such as Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Potassium, and Calcium.
Diabetic Friendly
Within the total carbohydrates listed below the food label contains fiber, it will not offer a similar effect as refined carbohydrates on blood sugar like White bread. As per the journal circulation research (in 2015), the high-fiber food will not include the digestive carbohydrate. The digestion rate is slowing down and offers a lower & gradual rise in blood sugar.
Perfect Dieting Snack
When compared to non-fibrous foods, the high-fiber foods will take a longer time for digestion and keep you fuller. The air-popped popcorn will make you feel better instead of taking fatty foods & sweets. Never add the salt and butter to it. You can also check the healthy snack ideas or online recipes to maintain your diet.
Relieve from Constipation
This small snack will create an important impact on your entire digestive health. Since Popcorn is one of the whole grains, the insoluble fiber will assist your digestive tract and even prevents constipation. As per the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) report, the intestinal regularity can be promoted with a 3-cup servicing that contains a high-fiber diet with a fiber of 3.5gms.
Whole Grain
Popcorn is the best snack that is listed under 100% unprocessed whole grains. One cup of popcorn serving will offer around 70% of the daily intake of recommended whole grains. Regular eating of Popcorn will help you to intake more fiber for maintaining the proper diet.
Fights against Cancer
Popcorn includes the most important powers of Polyphenols, and it can easily fight against cancer by blocking the enzymes to grow further. As per the AICR (American Institute of Cancer Research) report, it’ll regulate the spreading of cancerous cells across your body. Eating vegetables and fruits is one of the most common traditional methods to enhance your health benefits.
The Polyphenols with higher concentration will make you an alternative, healthier method to eat Popcorn. It is also possible to prevent plaque buildup and inflammation. Cardiovascular disease can be prevented by the foods that are rich in Polyphenols. You can also replace a few foods that are recommended by the cardiologists to eat instead of taking the air-popped Popcorn.
Few Calories
The healthiest and best method of Popcorn could be air-popped that contains only 30 calories/cup. Most of the large & medium popcorn sizes available at the theaters will contain saturated fat (60 grams) and 1,200 calories. The large-size Popcorn will contain saturated fat (57 grams) and 1,030 calories. It is always advisable to prepare your own air-popped Popcorn at your home using the stovetop or any Popcorn makers.
Popcorn utilized for the Weight Loss Program
The Unflavored Air-popped Popcorn will be low in sugar, fat, and calories, but it is high in fiber. It can assist someone to include in their balanced diet, and Popcorn will help them with a weight loss program. As per the report from CDC (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention), many people will utilize the best methods for weight-loss with changing their healthful lifestyles. It includes balancing the consumed calories, regular physical activity, and healthy eating habits to burn calories.
The healthful diet includes the essential part of containing the whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. It is a good choice to select those foods which have added sugars, cholesterol, Trans fat, and low saturated fat. The Popcorn can be turned as an unhealthy snack by adding salt, sugar, and butter. You can gain weight by consuming high-quality fats and sugars. As per the CDC report, they recommend everyone to reduce their salt intake.
It is important that Popcorn could be high in salt content, and you need to check the packaging’s nutrition labels to know the sodium or salt level for its sensitivity. You need to balance by eating healthier foods instead of restricting unwanted foods to eat. As a reasonable part, the sweetened or salted Popcorn will not be harmful and can take it occasionally.